
Khayrat El-Nile Co.. For Medications & Feed Additives From good to great
  • Pro aqua ultra


     Pro aqua ultra

     The Protein  considers the most expensive component of fish feed

    Therefore, it is necessary to take  the maximum  benefit  and increase  the biological benefit of protein that  present in the feed raw materials.

    The protease enzyme is responsible for increasing the level of protein digestion and maximizing the biological benefit from it, which helps in increasing  the  productive   performance  of fish.

    Pro aqua ultra: is a product which contains  the protease enzyme:

    Neutral protease sourced by Bacillus licheniformis bacteria

    Pro aqua ultra: Helps in increasing  the level of digestibility of vegetable protein such as soybeans, sunflower meal, gluten or peanut meal from 75% to 85%

    Pro aqua ultra: Contains the neutral protease enzyme, which increases  the digestion of the product and helps it to  work better in the stomach and intestines.

    Pro aqua ultra: Reduces the total cost of ton of feed while maintaining the same levels of performance achieved despite the reduction in the cost of feed.

    Pro aqua ultra: Improves the health of fish intestines by reducing the level of undigested proteins and achieving  the best possible performance of villi in  digestion, absorption and immunity.

     Pro aqua ultra: Thermally stable product  up to 1250.

     Pro aqua ultra: Addition 200 gm / ton of fish feed.

     Pro aqua ultra: Imported by Khayrat El Nile Company for Medications and Feed Additives

    Pro aqua ultra: Produced by NU3GUTS Belgium

    Categories: Aqua